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Meet the Author


Welcome to my blog.

If you are here, you already know one of the passions in my life…writing. I’ve been writing as far back as I can remember. My first attempt was poetry, and it was terrible. It was full of angst and/or sappy love poems.

As I grew older, I also grew in my writing. Right now, I’m writing the third book of a series about another of my passions…cats. The series is a cozy mystery called Harry the Wonder Cat.

The first book, The Legend of the Pink Diamond, introduces us to Harry, his gang, and all the people in Harrot Reef, Maine. Harrot Reef is a little fishing village, where everyone knows everyone else’s business. Lynn, Harry’s favorite guardian, is murdered over the pink diamond, and the sheriff wants to see Nikki Johnson, Lynn’s niece, goes down for it. It’s up to Harry and his gang to find the real killer.

The Jamaican Mission is the second book in the series. As you can guess, it takes place in beautiful Jamaica. Nikki and Heather, her best friend, take Harry to Jamaica for a restful vacation. It’s anything but peaceful when they find themselves embroiled in solving the hundred-year-old murder of Nikki’s Great-Aunt Marianne. There are a few kidnapping attempts just for good measure.

The third and final book is set in Greece. It’s sure to be full of mystery and excitement, but not to worry, Harry’s on the job!

This series is about Harry, the cat with awesome powers, his duty to the Johnson family, and a pink diamond.

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