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Denise Brixey - Author
Holidays and Their Meanings
(from home page)
National Fire Pup Day

Dogs have been working with fire departments since the early 19th century. Dalmatians were a popular choice because of their athleticism and good behavior around horses. They were often used as "sirens" to warn people of approaching fire wagons, and to guard the wagons while firefighters worked.
National PreprepareAthon Day

National PrepareAthon! Day has been observed annually on. It has been observed annually on September 30th since 2014. It reminds us to be prepared for a disaster anytime and anywhere.
National Coffee Day

National Coffee Day celebrates coffee, the drink made from the roasted and ground beans of the coffee plant. Coffee beans originated in Ethiopia.
Read a Child a Book You Like Day

Read a Child a Book You Like Day reading books to children, as well as the birthday of children's author, Kate Douglas Wiggin. Wiggin, who is most known for writing Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, dedicated her life to children.
Ancestor Appreciation Day

Ancestor Appreciation Day is a day to learn about and appreciate your ancestors. According to Chase's Calendar of Events, the day is sponsored by the Ancestor Appreciation Day Association in Ann Arbor, MI.
National Health and Fitness Day

National Health and Fitness Day focuses on the importance of regular physical activity and health awareness for women, and is the largest annual event of its kind in the country
National Bluebird of Happiness Day

For thousands of years, bluebirds have been associated with happiness. They also are known as symbols of love, good health, cheerfulness, new births, and home.
Family Day

Family Day was created by the Center on Addiction. It's all about getting parents to do things with their children so that connections that create sustaining strong relationships are made, in order to help prevent teen drug use.
First Day of Fall ~ Autumn Equinox

We all know what the first day of fall feels like. The crispness in the air; the leaves turning colors, making the world gold and red. It's a beautiful respite from the hot summer months.
But did you know that this day also marks the Autumn Equinox? This is the time when the sun crosses the celestial equator from North to South. Days begin to shorten in the Northern Hemisphere, and lengthen in the Southern Hemisphere.
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